Sure enough, we have been tested!
After about 3 weeks of all of us getting used to our new family of 5, we finally saw it. An entire day of testing!
I won't go into specifics on it, but none of it was horrible, it just was constant. It was as if he was saying "Let's just see how much of it they can take and STILL love me!"
Thankfully, my husband was home from work and he was able to take care of it. There are rules we have to follow on how we can and can't discipline and we do follow them. Time Out and removal of privileges is working well and in reading back through his bio, it has also worked well in the past. We also talk with him about proper behavior and why he needs to listen and obey.
We are all realizing just how much patience we will need to have during this adjustment period. What I think is funny, is that I seem to be fairly patient and I would consider myself one of the least patient people in the family! Perhaps it's because I've read and re-read enough of his history to understand his limitations. I am constantly reminding my older children that they will have to be patient and will have to explain things many, many times...
We are making a few adjustments to our night time schedule to allow the older kids some time to re-group. Bedtime for "W" has been moved earlier and this has worked well for all these last few days. Now that he's eating and sleeping well, he needs to catch up on all the sleep he's lost in the past few years and he hasn't fought us at all (yet?) on this new bedtime.
"W" does like us reading his Day By Day Bible to him each night. I have enjoyed my Read Through the Bible in a Year plan and his Bible goes through the entire Bible, but in a format that is easy for kids to understand. It keeps Truth intact while allowing for kids to follow along well. I think we'll be reading this Bible over and over again through the years!
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