Early in our marriage, we didn't have much money left over at the end of the month to go on a date. We also didn't have money for a babysitter. I didn't ask friends from church to watch the kids. Looking back, I can see that we didn't make spending time together a priority and we used lots of excuses as to why we couldn't do that.
Often times I blamed my husband for not coming up with the idea of having a date night. He would work 12 hour shifts plus off duty work, often times working 50-70 hours each week. Instead of appreciating his hard work and helping out by planning time out together, I expected him to be the one to plan date nights. Then I would get mad at him for not scheduling a date night! Now, I'm not at all saying that stay at home moms don't have a lot to do, but in comparison to Rich's job I'd say that I was the one who could've and should've taken the lead in the date night category!
As the kids started growing up and the budget wasn't as tight, we did go on more regular dates, maybe every other month. Friends of ours with kids close in age to ours would trade "babysitting" time with us so each couple was able to have a date night several times a year. We all enjoyed this, especially the kids who were able to hang out with their friends.
Now that the kids are older and don't need "babysitting", we have a lot more options for date night. And with Rich's weird work schedule, sometimes we'll go out to lunch, go shopping, get coffee, or even something as strange as getting our fingerprints and background checks done for our upcoming adoption (hey, it's time alone together!). In fact, this month's date was going to our first Homestudy meeting with our social worker, then doing some Christmas shopping, and maybe getting some coffee before heading home. The point is to spend time together without the kids. After all, when the kids are grown and out of the house, you'll need to feel comfortable spending time together!
These days, I find that most months I need a date night. If we don't have that time alone, I get grumpy! Sometimes I'll call or text Rich to ask if he wants to take me out on a date.....He's smart and always says YES! We put a little money aside in the budget each month to go out. Sometimes it's only enough for coffee and other times it's enough for dinner. It honestly doesn't matter to me where we go, just that we leave the kids at home and have fun together! Once or twice a year we'll go on a double date, but most times it's just us!
If you don't go on regular date nights, now might be the time to start! Just think of how often you go to your child's school to have lunch or meet a friend for lunch. Why not put just as much priority on your marriage? Start a habit this month and keep it going every month! I don't think you'll regret it!
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Getting ready to go on a double date- IOP, SC |
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