I really shouldn't complain....
These frequent weekend visits are a great introduction into what our family is going to be in just a few short weeks....
But the driving to our meeting spot to pick up and drop off is wearing me out. It's just about a 2 hour drive each way so it ends up being a 5 hour round trip ordeal when you add in a bathroom break and waiting on the other people to arrive. So, for every visit, we spend 10 hours in transportation.... And entire day of the week...
We thankfully only have to do this 3-4 more times before move in day. Any more than that and I think I'd be worn out. We've already made that trip 11 times....
On a lighter note, I've driven this route so often that I think I could do it in my sleep... But I won't try that.
This weekend's visit was short (less than 48 hours) but fun... We got home close to dinner time on Friday and my husband was halfway through a 12 hour off duty job so we hung out and had an easy dinner. "The boy" slept well that night, as he always does the first night of a visit. Saturday ended up being what we imagine is a typical Saturday for most families (with my husband's line of work he has worked half of the Saturdays of the last 16 years so we don't have very many "typical" family Saturdays....) . We visited a local farm and saw some cows, lots of chickens and a few big, fat pigs. We bought some bacon, ground beef and Chirizo sausage to try. Then we ate lunch out and headed to a friend's office to help him and his boys pack up the last of his books so that he could move offices. I've never seen so many books in my life! There were just about 150 boxes of books in one office! WOW! Then we made a side trip to buy a skirt for me and my daughter and then on to a friend's high school graduation party. What a fun and full day, and beautiful weather too! Sunday we went to church and then it was time for the drop off after the weekend visit.
We have another upcoming weekend visit scheduled and then an almost 2 week visit in June before his move in date in early July. It will be here before we know it. There is so much to do between now and then... I have to get the next homeschool year planned for my 2 teens, we need to get our bonus room ready in case one of the teens needs to move upstairs ("the boy" doesn't always sleep well and my teen son needs sleep....), and we have several other things planned that I won't blog about until after they happen. Even though there is a lot to do, it will help time go quickly and before we know it, our family will grow to 5!
I am so excited for you! :) I can't wait for you to be a family of 5 like us. :)