Psalm 68:5, 6a "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..."
I saw this picture on Facebook today from Hope for Orphans....(
Look at those statistics again.... 2 BILLION Christians.... 132 MILLION orphans...
I suppose on one hand, reading that could make me think that there are plenty of other Christians in this world who can care for orphans and that I don't have to do anything.
On the other hand, this could make me really consider what my role is in caring for orphans.
I do want to say that I do NOT think that every Christian should adopt. For some it is simply not possible due to a number of reasons. But that does not prevent us from caring for orphans in some way. There are other ways to help besides adoption.
- Foster care
- Respite care (short term care for foster children)
- Orphan hosting
- Giving money so others can adopt, even if it's only a little bit
- Pray
I think sometimes we as Christians pray and call it a day, when there's more we could be doing.
Do you have a friend who is adopting and you could give of your excess to help? Or is God asking you to sacrifice something so that your friend (or maybe even a complete stranger) can adopt?
We are sometimes so over-committed that we have no time to give to host an orphan for 5 weeks over the summer or Christmas holiday. I understand that some families have work commitments that wouldn't make this possible. I'm also not saying that option is for everyone, but it's an option that many people don't know is even available.
If God IS calling you to adopt, do your research! Sure, adoption is a wonderful thing. It is a parallel to how we as Christians have been adopted by God into His family. But it's not an easy road. Many children available for adoption, both from foreign countries and through US foster care, have needs that we might not be aware of until they move into our home. We need to consider how this will impact our family, both positively and negatively.
God does give us good things to enjoy.... Vacations, nice houses, cars, sports, shopping.... These are not bad things! But are our hearts and lives occupied in pursuing these things that we have no time or resources left to care for orphans?
I strongly believe that there are many Christians that would adopt if finances allowed them.
I strongly believe there are Christians who have the resources to provide for others to adopt.
I strongly believe there are other Christians who could provide free childcare so that those who are called to foster children could attend the many hours of required training.
I strongly believe that many of us could give up something in our budget to give to a family who is adopting.
I strongly believe that there are some who have talents that could be used for orphans, whether on mission trips, adoption fundraisers or orphan advocacy.
There is something that each of us can give. It might be a lot, or it might be a little. What can YOU give to provide for the care of orphans?
Here are some resources if you are interested in learning more about orphan care....
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