Last week, "the boy" stayed with us for 4 days. It went very well and we had no problems to report. We did hear that he had a rough night back in his foster home on Saturday, saying he doesn't want to leave them. Since no one has yet talked to him about living in our home and being adopted, we are realizing more and more than this little boy is much more perceptive than many people give him credit for.
He's coming back today for a 9 day visit. Coming off of his reaction back at his foster home, it will be interesting to me to see how he does with us this time. I think he's enjoying his time with us, but loves his foster parents. And since no one has shared with him that he can still keep in contact with them when he lives here, I think he's scared. Hopefully his therapist will be talking to him about this to help calm his fears.
We were able to learn even more about his likes and dislikes while he stayed with us. It is easy to entertain this boy! We won't have to try to "impress" him with trips and visits to different places, although we do have plans to take him to museums and other places our family enjoys. But that will be just for fun, it won't be to try to convince him that we're a great family. He enjoys being around the house and playing Nerf basketball (we'll be buying him his own once he makes the permanent transition to our house), playing with Matchbox cars (I'm glad we saved my son's cars and track from 10 years ago!) and playing on my IPod (and he's very good about giving it back when his time is up).
I'm particularly thrilled that my husband is off work this weekend. He was suppose to be on night shift Friday and Saturday night, but due to a week long class next week, he took the weekend off so he wouldn't be working 12 days in a row. I know our real life with "the boy" will include my husband working weekends, but they will be able to spend some time together over the weekend and that will be so helpful. I have lunch plans with a friend on Saturday, so it will be good for my husband and all 3 kids to hang out together for a few hours and get some good bonding time.
Im so glad I got to meet him today!