Tonight I am expecting 40 people at my house for dinner.
For some of you, that thought would make you happy. For others, it scares you half to death! I'm somewhere in the middle.
I am NOT a social type of person. If given the choice, I'd prefer to have a quiet night at home than to go out.
But this is different. This is our 2nd Annual End of the Soccer Season Party!
Last year, we decided around noon to have the get together at our house instead of at a local pizza place. You see, my lack of desire to socialize is eclipsed by my lack of desire to spend a lot of money. So, instead of spending $30 on pizza, I'd rather have 35 people at my house. The night was a blast!
So, tonight we will do the same as last year. Everyone will pick up enough pizza for their family and head on over to our house after soccer practice. We'll have a fire in our firepit and roast some marshmallows. The kids will hang out and the parents will get to know each other better.
The soccer season officially ended on Friday with our final game. We still have practices this week in preparation for a tournament. And there's talk of the kids playing together on an indoor soccer team this winter.
Soccer season is a very busy time. There are practices, home games and away games (that we drive them to). But the team consists of a great group of kids with good character and a coach who likes to win games, but would rather see the kids display godly character in a loss than poor character in a win.
Now, back to the party...... So, the house is ready (not exactly cleaned, because I'd rather do that when 35 people leave than before they come!) and the fire is ready to be started in the pit. It looks like the weather will be nice....and I know the company will be wonderful!
:) I would be a hermit if it weren't for the conviction of the Lord, Scott and the kids. I could live every day in the comfort of my home without ever leaving, I am pretty sure..... but that's not ok so I don't. :) Being social is exhausting for me... but God has shown me how He intends to use me for HIS glory. And, it is very clear I can take no credit, I LOVE how He does that!!